Our Work
How We Engage Youth
Uganda Unites works within schools and communities across the country where youth are at most risk of violence and radicalization. Through innovative ways, we engage the youth to break stereotypes and counter radicalization while capturing and highlighting their voice in our activities and programming.
Future Leaders' Conference
The Future Leaders Conference brings together young people of diverse ethnic and religious communities to become change agents for peace and reconciliation.
Held over 5 days, it is an intensive programme that teaches key leadership skills and develops the capabilities of young people through keynote speakers, panel discussions and workshops.
The conference also facilitates small group discussions between students from different tribal backgrounds to work towards breaking negative stereotypes and increasing respect for each other. After the conference, the youth will have developed lasting friendships across divides and will continue growing the movement where they live. 500 young people from 50 different communities then become ambassadors for conflict transformation, adhering to a strict code of nonviolence and education.

School Relation Tours
The School Relations Tour is comprised of the top youth leader volunteers of Uganda Unites travelling across the country and visiting all districts to promote the cause of reconciliation, ethnic harmony and social engagement by young people.
The team visits high schools, universities and community gatherings to conduct workshops on reconciliation and national level leadership. These visits also encourage the creation of peace clubs in high schools, universities and communities.
Peace Clubs
Peace clubs are a form of peace infrastructure and a practical approach to educating for peace in schools and communities. The participants are all Uganda Unites members who meet to discuss the conflicts they face at school, in their communities and elsewhere.
At the end of Future Leaders Conference and School Relation Engagements, Uganda Unites supports the young people that have been engaged and committed to the cause of nonviolence and conflict transformation to start peace clubs, in their schools, university and community.
Through the peace clubs more young people are equipped with conflict transformation skills. All peace clubs are provided with a guidebook that contains tools and road maps towards having a deeper knowledge of leadership, reconciliation and conflict transformation. Role playing ways of handling such conflicts are a common activity and train members in the skills of conflict management, resolution and transformation.

"St. Joseph's used to have students from all over the country, but since the war, parents from other parts of the country dont want to bring there students here, because they fear for theirs lifes. I am glad that Uganda Unites is engaging the youth to end tribalism and conflict. This will ensure that there is peace and we are rebuilding trust"

"In a world that often uses labels and is divisive, the narrative that we pass on to the youth (as leaders of the next generation) is important. I think the Reconciliation Centres will provide a safe space where intentional youth mentoring can take place as well as a place where they can openly share about their ideas as well."
Reconciliation Centers
Reconciliation Centers are community hubs that engage young people, who are most marginalized and isolated, with effective and relevant education that they need to have successful futures and provide for their families.
Once engaged in classes, the center provides lessons, discussions groups and community engagement opportunities that provide a counter-narrative to the radicalization that these young people are vulnerable to.
The young people are taught leadership skills and go through a personal transformation that sees them lead their communities away from violence and towards peace. Our vision through these centers is to be tangibly present in the areas of Uganda most prone to conflict and be a hub for education, entrepreneurship and inspire youth to play an active role in promoting reconciliation and countering violent extremism.